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Islamic Headstones in Cerny-en-Laonnois Cemetery, France for Douro Koudiougou, killed April 17, 1917, and Sarkou Modey, with no known date of death. 
Sarkou Modey
Mort pour la France
Douro Koudiougou
69e BTS.
Mort pour la France le 17.04.1917

Islamic Headstones in Cerny-en-Laonnois Cemetery, France for Douro Koudiougou, killed April 17, 1917, and Sarkou Modey, with no known date of death. © 2014 by John M. Shea

Image text

Sarkou Modey

Mort pour la France

Douro Koudiougou

69e BTS.

Mort pour la France le 17.04.1917

Other views: Front, Front, Front

Monday, April 16, 1917

"The artillery battle has become extremely violent during the night over all the front between Soissons and Rheims."

Quotation Context

A French Army morning communiqué released at 2:00 P.M. on April 16, 1917, the opening day of the Nivelle Offensive. The day was a disaster for the French.


The 1917 Spring Offensives: Arras, Vimy, Chemin des Dames by Yves Buffetaut, page 142, publisher: Histoire et Collections, publication date: 1997


Second Battle of the Aisne, Battle of Chemin des Dames, Nivelle Offensive