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Austrian soldier and prisoner of war Franz Hausterecker sends Pentecost greetings to his brother and sister-in-law from Russia in a hand-painted Russian POW postcard dated April 15, 1918. He is in good health, hopes they are too, and that he will see them soon. In 1918 Easter was March 31; Pentecost May 19.
Frohe Pfingst-grüsse aus Russland 1918
Aus weiter Ferne sendet Dir samit Gemahlin dein Brüder Franz.
Bin bis heute Gesunds und hoffe von Dir dasselbe. Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehn.
April 15, 1918
Happy Pentecost greetings from Russia in 1918
From afar, your brother Franz sends to you and your wife.
I'm healthy so far and hope the same for you. See you soon.
Postmarked April 18 (16?), 1918, 1918-04-18

Austrian soldier and prisoner of war Franz Hausterecker sends Pentecost greetings to his brother and sister-in-law from Russia in a hand-painted Russian POW postcard dated April 15, 1918. He is in good health, hopes they are too, and that he will see them soon. In 1918 Easter was March 31; Pentecost May 19.

Image text

Frohe Pfingst-grüsse aus Russland 1918

Aus weiter Ferne sendet Dir samit Gemahlin dein Brüder Franz.

Bin bis heute Gesunds und hoffe von Dir dasselbe. Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehn.

April 15, 1918

Happy Pentecost greetings from Russia in 1918

From afar, your brother Franz sends to you and your wife.

I'm healthy so far and hope the same for you. See you soon.


Postmarked April 18 (16?), 1918, 1918-04-18

Aus weiter Ferne sendet Dir samil Gemahlin dein Brüder Franz.

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"Austrian soldier and prisoner of war Franz Hausterecker sends Pentecost greetings to his brother and sister-in-law from Russia in a hand-painted Russian POW postcard dated April 15, 1918. He is in good health, hopes they are too, and that he will see them soon. In 1918 Easter was March 31; Pentecost May 19."

Image Text

Frohe Pfingst-grüsse aus Russland 1918

Aus weiter Ferne sendet Dir samit Gemahlin dein Brüder Franz.

Bin bis heute Gesunds und hoffe von Dir dasselbe. Auf ein baldiges Wiedersehn.

April 15, 1918

Happy Pentecost greetings from Russia in 1918

From afar, your brother Franz sends to you and your wife.

I'm healthy so far and hope the same for you. See you soon.


Postmarked April 18 (16?), 1918, 1918-04-18

Aus weiter Ferne sendet Dir samil Gemahlin dein Brüder Franz.

Image Date

Monday, April 15, 1918

Month, Year

April, 1918


hand drawn, trench art, 1918, Greetings from Russia, watercolor, Russia, 1918-04-15, 1918-04-18, 1918, April, Pentecost, Pfingsten, 1918-05-19, 1918 Pentecost greetings from Russia, prisoner of war